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Team Junkfish Blog

Art Blog 11 – Cook, eat, clean.

So two of our lovely team members are away to GDC. Good luck to both of them.

In the mean time, we are preparing our game for REZZED. I thought I’d share some screenshots of the kitchen, mess hall and bathroom currently in game.


Here: A lovely kitchen for preparing tasty food.


A cosy little mess room to eat with your friends.


A beautiful, clean shower room for rinsing yourself after a hard day’s work.


And a toilet, for…. well. You know.

We still need to adjust the textures and shaders on these, but they are all now in game.

Additionally, we also have the lower half of the ship modelled and put in game. This is currently just a placeholder as we eventually plan to have that whole area procedurally generated as well. However, even though you can’t run around in this section just yet, you can definitely feel it coming together once you are outside on the walkways or looking out over the bridge.

📷 📷

That’s all for now.

Adam and the Arts.

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