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Team Junkfish Blog

Misc. Blog 11 – Old Man Yells At Cloud

We’re all busy working on the new traps and areas that the rest of the team mentioned in some previous blog posts, and hopefully we’ll be able to show off a bit more of them later on. And some detailed noise related stuff, as it’s been a while since I spoke about the audio side of things.

Which, while I’m here, I might as well go on about! I picked up some new gear (a Rode shotgun mic and Blimp, if you’re interested in that) so that I could actually go to various places to record things without the wind getting in the way instead of trying to drag it to the office and hoping that one of the two planes that flies out of Dundee’s airport doesn’t ruin things for a good 15 minutes. And they say that audio guys aren’t grumpy.

Nevertheless, now that we’re doing the underbelly and engine rooms of the ship I want to change up the atmosphere a bit more, making it heavier and more mechanical to reflect the fact that you’re a) in a darker, danker area of the ship that’s potentially more broken down and b) near the main engines and power source of the ship, which are obviously quite noisy… There are also the traps! Grant did a break down of some of the plans so far, and I’ve finished off the steam pipes’ first pass. There’s more going on, but that would be telling just now. I’ve also started to get back to work on some of the radio tracks, and I’ll do a quick break down of my plans for the first “EP” or tracks soon. But all of that’s for an audio blog! Finally, a quick shout out to the Edinburgh Game Symposium, which is held at the end of June and has a focus on game audio and music. If you’re in the area then check it out!

On the topic of events, Simon and I recently went to the BBC Radio 1 Academy which was holding a games expo this year. Also at the event were our buddies in Space Budgie, Guerilla TeaLudometricsand One Thumb Mobile, among others too! We managed to terrify a few people (with some who expressed their horror more loudly than others) which is always a good sign. Other interesting things included Theremin Hero, who brought along a version of Super Mario Bros. played with a Theremin (it’s hard!), and a mysterious box with a camera.

Next up is goNORTH, which is actually tomorrow. This is an odd one for me, as I always knew it as a fairly big music/creative arts festival that my old college lecturers used to talk about, and now they’re branching out to include games. So actually being there is a little surreal! There will be more than a few game companies there (most of whom are probably getting the same crazy early train in the morning) and a wealth of other talks and events on loads of different topics throughout the two days it’s on, such as the Gaming Masterclass on Wednesday afternoon, the masses of gigs and short film cinema.

In the mean time, here’s a few of the various videos and articles people have been kind enough to do for the first alpha on Monstrum for you to have a nosey at!

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