We’re happy to announce that the Mac and Linux versions of Monstrum are now available! We’ve also added the OST to Steam for download too.
And for those waiting: we’re hoping to have more news about the Oculus Rift version very soon!
As always, you can grab the game here:
Here’s a list of further changes that we’ve added.
Change Log 1.0.1
– Mac and Linux versions available – Field of view slider
– Improved monster wander states. The monsters should move further away from the player after an encounter – Improved monsters going around corners – Doors should behave more intuitively with respect to how they handle the player moving in and out of them – Brute footsteps – Improved issue where monsters could get stuck in steam by the helicopter
Bug Fixes
– Fixed misc menu issues – Hunter goop should disappear correctly – Player should no longer be able to run out of a hiding spot when being pulled out – Hunter should no longer walk constantly in to a hiding spot – Monsters should not get stuck at distractions – Fixed issue with monster not pulling player out of hiding spots – Added collision boxes to certain areas to prevent player climbing where they shouldn’t – Fixed issue where the player could get back in to the starting area
Known issues
– Controller analogue sticks can sometimes not work in the Mac version – Field of view slider can reset intermittently if changed in game – Locker doors can occasionally get the player temporarily caught between the door and the locker body