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Team Junkfish Blog

News – Monstrum Release Date!


So it’s finally happening. Monstrum is leaving Early Access for the open seas of full release. And it’s happening on the 20th of May. That’s next week!

We want to say thanks to everyone who has supported us so far by buying the game, sharing lets plays of their runs and terror, all the random fan art that we’ve seen pop up. Everything really! It’s made making Monstrum worthwhile knowing that people across the world have been enjoying and been terrified by it! You should probably definitely check out the new patch when it goes live later tonight too.

And if you haven’t bought the game yet then hurry up! Our Early Access discount will be finishing on the 20th too, going from £9.99/$14.99/€12.50, to £11.99/$17.99/€14.99.

We’ll have Mac, Linux and Oculus support landing in a few weeks for those of you waiting on that too!


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